The FAS Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging has created a suite of resources designed to support our students, faculty, staff, and postdocs/researchers.
This library is continually updated, so please feel free to share additional resources with our team at any time.
University-wide Resources
Resources available to the greater Harvard University community.
University-wide Resources
Harvard University Guiding Documents on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging
- Presidential Taskforce on Inclusion and Belonging Final Report: Pursuing Excellence on a Foundation of Inclusion
- Presidential Taskforce on Inclusion and Belonging- Promising Practices Catalog
Harvard University Native American Program
Central Office for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
- University-Wide EDIB Resource Providers
- OEDIB Email Newsletter
- OEDIB University-wide events calendar
- OEDIB Guides & Toolkits
- Affinity Spaces
- The Harvard Culture Lab
Center for Workplace Development (Harvard Human Resources)
- Harvard-Wide EDIB Trainings (Harvard Key Required)
- Introduction to DIB Academy
- Understanding Unconscious Bias
- Anti-Black Racism
- From Ally to Accomplice
- Addressing Microaggressions
- The Intersection of Power, Privilege, and Oppression
- Between the Lines: Discerning and Mitigating Bias in the Selection Process
- Inclusive Hiring Initiative: TAD Talk Series
- Enabling a Culture of Speaking Up (Managers Only)
- Inclusion for Innovation and Engagement for Managers (Managers Only)
FAS EDIB Unit Resources
Resources available to members of Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
FAS DIB Unit Resources
Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning
FAS Disability Resources
- Faculty Consultation
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Training – Also topics are offered upon request
- Assistive Technology Lending Library and Lab
- Accommodations
- Accessible Education Office
- Digital Accessibility Services
FAS Human Resources
- FAS Diversity Talent Acquisition Services– Reach out to this unit if you have EDIB questions about recruitment process!
- Manager Guide for Diverse Searches (Toolkit)
- Recruiting and Resources for Diverse Talent (Toolkit)
- Building a Diverse Pool of Applicants (additional resource here)
- Faculty Recruitment: Best Practices
- FAS Diversity Dialogues
- Year Up
- Administrative Fellowship Program
- FAS CareerCore Program
- Harvard University Employee Resource Groups
- Harvard University Employee Assistance Program
- Harvard University Ombuds Office
- Harvard University Campus Unions
FAS Office for Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
- DIB Graduate Student Fellowship Program
- Resource Guide: Departmental Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee
- Tips for Facilitating Inclusive Meetings
FAS Office for Faculty Affairs
- Membership to New England Higher Education Resource Consortium
- Membership to the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)
- Standing Committee on Women
- Harvard-MIT Postdoctoral Fellowships for Future Faculty Leaders Program
FAS Office of Undergraduate Education
Harvard University Office for Gender Equity
- Learn more about the Office for Gender Equity (OGE)
- Responsible Employee Supports
- Bystander Intervention Strategies
- Ongoing Customizable Workshop Series
- Confidential and Privileged Sexual Harassment/Assault Resources & Education (SHARE) Counselors
- Gender Inclusive Restroom Mapping Project
- Responsible Employee Supports
EDIB Resource Library
Resources for individuals looking to learn more about specific EDIB related issues and initiatives.
EDIB Resource Library
- Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education (Book)
- Beyond the Americans with Disabilities Act: Inclusive Policy and Practice for Higher Education (Book)
- Higher Education’s Challenge: Disability Inclusion on Campus (American Council on Education)
- Universal Design for Learning
- Part 1: Definitions and Explanations (Video)
- Part 2: UDL Guidelines (Video)
- Part 3: Engagement Strategies (Video)
- Part 4: Representation Strategies (Video)
- Part 5: Action and Expression Strategies (Video)
- Part 6: Culturally Diverse Learners (Video)
- Anti-Racism Resources for the Workplace (Harvard HR Center for Workplace Development)
- What it Means to be Antiracist (Vox)
- Black Lives Matters Capsule (Berklee School of Music)
- Reparations in Higher Education (Scholars for Social Justice)
- When Feminism is White Supremacy in Heels (Harpers Bazaar)
- Seeing White Podcast (Scene on Radio)
- Hard Truths: Why Only Race-Conscious Policies Can Fix Racism in Higher Education (The Education Trust)
- The 1619 Project- All Articles (New York Times) and Podcast
- Intersectionality Matters! With Kimberle Crenshaw (African American Policy Forum)
- Pod for the Cause (The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights)
Bystander Intervention Resources
- Bystander Intervention Tips and Strategies (National Sexual Violence Resource Center)
- Helping Harvard Engage in Bystander Intervention (Harvard University Office of Gender Equity)
- How to Be an Active Bystander When You See Casual Racism (New York Times)
- Practicing Active Bystander Intervention (RAINN)
- A Bystander’s Response to Workplace Harassment (Office of Congressional Workplace Rights)
Campus Climate
- An Overview of Campus Climate (University of Texas)
- Assessing the Value of Climate Assessments: Progress and Future Directions (Journal of Diversity in Higher Education)
- Speaking Truth and Acting With Integrity: Confront Challenges of Campus Racial Climate (American Council on Education)
- Improving the Campus Climate for LGBTQ Students Using the Campus Pride Index (New Directions for Student Services)
Christian Hegemony
- The Privileged Poor: How Elite Colleges are Failing Disadvantaged Students (Book)
- Elite Colleges Constantly Tell Low-Income Students That They Do Not Belong (The Atlantic)
- Microaggressions and Social Class Identity in Higher Education and Student Affairs (Article)
Freedom of Expression & Academic Freedom
- To the Point: Campus Inclusion and Freedom of Expression- Hateful Incidents on Campus (American Council on Education)
- The Practices of Freedom: Freedom of Speech, Academic Freedom, and Shared Governance (Higher Education Today
- LGBTQ Students on Campus: Issues and Opportunities for Higher Education Leaders (Higher Education Today)
- Proud and Thriving Framework (Jed Foundation)
- A Retrospective of LGBT Issues on U.S. College Campuses: 1990-2020 (Article)
- Affirming LGBTQ+ Students in Higher Education (American Psychological Association)
- Queer-Spectrum and Trans-Spectrum Student Experiences in American Higher Education (Tyler Clement Center & Foundation)
Implicit Bias
- Project Implicit (Harvard University)
- Unconscious Bias (Linkedin Learning)
Mental Health
- Pedagogy of Healing: Bearing Witness to Trauma and Resilience (Inside Higher Ed)
- State of Mind in the College Classroom (Faculty Focus)
- Student Mental Health and the Law (Jed Foundation)
- Campus Mental Health (American Psychological Association)
- Well-Being for Students with Minoritized Identities (American Council on Education)
- Examples of Microaggressions & Underlying Meaning (Adapted from Book: Microaggressions in Everyday Life)
- How to Facilitate Triggering Situations (Western Washington University)
- Disarming Racial Microaggressions: Microintervention Strategies for Targets, White Allies, and Bystanders (American Psychologist)
- Microintervention Strategies: What You Can Do to Disarm and Dismantle Individual and Systemic Racism and Bias (Book)
- Microintervention Toolkit (University of Southern California)
- Guidelines for Discussing Incidents of Hate, Bias, and Discrimination (University of Michigan)
- Harvard University Racial Justice Resources (Harvard University Libraries)
- Race and Racial Equity in Higher Education (American Council on Education)
- A Framework for Advancing Anti-Racism Strategy on Campus (National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education)
- Navigating a Racial Crisis: Lessons Learned from Missouri (American Council on Education)
- White Supremacy Culture- Still Here (Tema Okun)
- Systems of White Supremacy and White Privilege (Racial Equity Tools)
- Systemic Racism in Higher Education (Article)
- Racial Battle Fatigue in Higher Education (Book)
- Racial Battle Fatigue in Faculty (Book)
- Confronting Institutionalized Racism in Higher Education: Counternarratives for Racial Justice (book)
- Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Competencies in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine)
- Gender and Sexuality in Higher Education (American Association of University Professors)
- Strategies for Resisting Sexism in the Academy: Higher Education, Gender, and Intersectionality (Book)
- Sexism, Racism, Prejudice, and Bias: A Literature Review and Synthesis of Research Surrounding Student Evaluations of Courses and Teaching (Article)
- Transgender Students in Higher Education (Williams Institute)
- Transgender Students in College (Lambda Legal)
- Suggested Best Practices for Supporting Trans Students (Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals)
- Foundational Concepts & Affirming Language (Harvard University OEDIB)
Identity-Based Best Practices
Resources for individuals looking to learn more about specific EDIB related policies, best practices, and implementation.
Identity-Based Best Practices
BIPOC Students
- Race/Ethnicity General
- Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education (American Council on Education)
- Equity in Mental Health Framework (Jed Foundation)
- Distant Equity: The Promise and Pitfalls of Online Learning for Students of Color in Higher Education (American Council on Education)
- Black/African American Students
- Dear Professor: On Anti-Blackness and Learning (Inside Higher Ed)
- The Black Experience in Higher Education (Inside Higher Ed)
- Latino/a/x Students
- Latinos in Higher Education: Compilation of Fast Facts (Excelencia in Education!)
- 2016 What Works for Latino Students in Higher Education (Excelencia in Education!)
- Challenges and Strategies for Assisting Latino Students with College Access and Completion (Independent Educational Consultants Association)
- Understanding Latinx College Student Diversity and Why it Matters (Higher Education Today)
- Latinos in Higher Education: Compilation of Fast Facts (Excelencia in Education!)
- Asian Students
- Asian American Students in Higher Education (Book)
- Asians in the Ivory Tower (Book)
- Pan-Asian Student Classifications in Higher Education: What the Data Do and Don’t Tell Us (Higher Education Today)
- Asian Americans in Higher Education: Charting New Realities (Association for the Study of Higher Education)
- Indigenous Students
- Indigenous Perspectives on Native Student Challenges in Higher Education (Higher Education Today)
Dreamers/DACA Students
- DACA and Dreamers (American Council on Education)
- DACA & Undocumented Students (Higher Ed Immigration Portal)
First Generation & Low Income Students
- Moving Beyond Access: College Success for Low-Income and First-Generation Students (The Pell Institute)
- Food Is a Basic Need: Dealing with Hunger on College Campuses (Higher Education Today)
- Homelessness and Housing Insecurity in Higher Education: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Research, Policy, and Practice (Association for the Study of Higher Education)
- 22 Tips for Teaching First-Generation College Students (California State University-Fullerton)
- Making Sure They Make It! (Council of Independent Colleges)
- Supporting First-Generation Students (Inside Higher Ed)
Graduate Students
- Supporting Grad Students Through COVID-19 (APA)
- Supporting Graduate Student Mental Health and Well-Being (Jed Foundation)
Immigrant Students
- Immigrant Students and Higher Education (Association for the Study of Higher Education)
International Students
- Towards Greater Inclusion and Success (American Council on Education)
- Enhancing the Quality of the International Student Experience (Higher Education Today)
- Resources Designed for International Students Could Also Help First-Generation Students (Higher Education Today)
LGBTQ+ Students
- LGBTQ Students on Campus: Issues and Opportunities for Higher Education Leaders (Higher Education Today)
- Proud and Thriving Framework (Jed Foundation)
- A Retrospective of LGBT Issues on U.S. College Campuses: 1990-2020 (Article)
- Affirming LGBTQ+ Students in Higher Education (American Psychological Association)
- Queer-Spectrum and Trans-Spectrum Student Experiences in American Higher Education (Tyler Clement Center & Foundation)
- Pronouns Matter (My Pronouns)
Students of Faith
- Muslim Students
- Colleges Addressing Needs of Muslim Students (Diverse Issues in Higher Education)
- Muslim College Student Series: Belonging and Mattering (University of Southern California)
- Jewish Students
Student Parents
- Building Family-Friendly Campuses: Strategies to Promote College Success Among Student Parents (Higher Education Today)
Students with Disabilities
- Higher Education’s Challenge: Disability Inclusion on Campus (Higher Education Today)
- Higher Education’s Next Great Challenge: Ensuring Full Inclusion for Students with Disabilities (Institute for Educational Leadership
- Women’s Status in Higher Education: Background and Significance (Association for the Study of Higher Education)
- The Historical Role of Women in Higher Education (Administrative Issues Journal)
- Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Resource Guide (Harvard University Title IX Office)